Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Advent: Jesus Is Come


Advent, which means coming, is an old observance in the Christian year, or better said the Church’s liturgical calendar. It is set in the midst of shorting days and in the northern hemisphere a colder season. This might seem to be an odd place to place the beginning of a new year but in many ways, it seems to me to make perfect sense.

Advent with its’ wreathe and candle lighting and weekly readings as each candle is lit in its’ turn point us to some hope and promise all due to the coming of our Lord. Just as our Lord’s Advent was in a season of bleakness in the history of life upon the Earth so is Advent. St. Paul strong suggest that the end of history which so many are anticipating has already occurred in the advent of Jesus. It is as if the end of history has come into our midst even before it becomes reality for humanity.

Jesus has entered into our history and with his advent he has done for us what we could never have done for ourselves. This should give us great encouragement and hope, love, joy and peace as we make our way through this life.

We do not have to always to turn our eyes to the heavens during difficult times and say Longingly “maybe to day he will come and set things, right?”, the truth is Jesus is come and has through himself set things rights in spite of the contradiction of circumstance which are all around us. He is come.

This season of Advent as it leads us to the Nativity season consider the blessings of the coming of our Lord Jesus which he has rendered unto us all. Consider the  meaning of each of the Advent candles and why they are set aflame in the order which they are.

Consider the reading which are read and the Scriptures which are preached and expounded upon and what do they say to us. What is the Holy Spirit saying to  us all regarding the coming of Jesus.

Each church or fellowship may have their own traditions regarding Advent but the basic message is in the end the same. Jesus has, is and will come and it is really not possible to separate each of his comings they are all when understood just one coming to us all and that coming is experienced in our live and in history, they cannot be removed one from the other, they are one coming. It is who are in the flow of history but in eternity they are One.

Consider the candles:

 The First Purple is for Hope

The Second Purple is for Love

The Third Rose candle is for Joy

The Fourth Purple is for Peace

And, if there is a White candle set in their midst of the Advent wreath it is for the Life of Christ who has come to us and is the reason for the others.   

This year look ahead and anticipate good and blessings even when the circumstance in life seem to contradictory all because Jesus is Come.

Have a Blessed Advent Season, Jesus is Come.

Benediction: My we each and all give glory to our Lord Jesus Christ because he has come to us, today, tomorrow and forever more. Amen.

Rev. Todd Crouch, Pastor

Topinabee Community Church

Topinabee Michigan

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